

Technological consulting

The complexity of our products and solutions varies depending on customer requirements and the task at hand. All too seldom are all general conditions ideal. In practice, spatial restrictions or special requirements for the cleaning process often prevent the establishment of a simple standard cleaning system.

In the context of finding a solution, it can therefore be absolutely sensible to carry out a goal- and solution-oriented technological consultation. If there is already a requirements specification, this forms the basis for further processing. Otherwise, all relevant information is collected first. This includes, for example, the type of parts to be cleaned, the cycle time available for the process, the degree of contamination and the maximum space available for the installation of our cleaning system. Of course, the degree of automation desired or required by the customer also plays a fundamental role in ensuring a sensible design and dimensioning of the cleaning system.

All relevant information can be visualized in a 3D model by our engineers on request. The claim is to provide our customers and partners with a technologically satisfactory and at the same time commercially reasonable solution for their individual application, even under the most difficult conditions.

Cleaning attempts

Not all cleaning is the same. Experience shows that the requirements for cleaning vary depending on the customer and the task. This makes it all the more important to define the cleaning objectives at the outset. Different cleaning methods lead to different results. This is due on the one hand to the procedures and on the other hand to the cleaning chemistry used. It is therefore important to determine which cleaning combination is optimal for your product.

For this purpose, we also offer you cleaning tests as part of the technological consultation. These can take place either at your site or at ours in Stäbelow. During the cleaning trials, we first determine the type of cleaning. Furthermore, the use of the optimal cleaning agent is determined. Here we distinguish between acidic or alkaline aqueous solutions. These are used depending on the type of product to be cleaned. Due to our long-standing and close relationship with well-known chemical producers, we have access to almost all types of cleaning chemicals, with the help of which we can guarantee a successful application.

Technical tests

Our products and solutions are always technically up to date when commissioned. All necessary product acceptance tests are carried out in cooperation with the technical acceptance office of DEKRA and are carried out by Rational TL with the greatest possible care and maintenance of an internal acceptance protocol.

After all, the reliable operation and longevity of the plant are essential for our customers and partners. Nevertheless, we are also happy to carry out technical inspections and a maintenance service on request in order to maintain the performance of the plant in the long term and to avoid cost-intensive consequential damage.

Rental systems

You need a short-term replacement for defective cleaning equipment, to create additional cleaning capacity or just for a temporary use? For this purpose, we offer you rental units of our ultrasonic cleaning systems, various sinks or immersion transducers.

Of course, you can also carry out your own cleaning tests with these devices. If you are interested in our rental equipment, please call us at any time.


In industrial parts cleaning, hardly any two systems are alike. However, the basic principles of cleaning are largely identical, so that existing elements can be combined with each other and thus individual systems can be constructed.

Spatial restrictions often require some engineering effort so that the cleaning devices can be optimally adapted to the space requirements. In this case, individual components are completely redesigned in order to ensure functionality. Our engineers develop systems according to the given requirements, which are optimally adapted to your wishes and possibilities.